i'm back from break and so much happened but idk if i'll remeber it all but imma do smth
also happy late bday Tyler our king 💖
happy we make bdays less morbid 💖
anyways had some stuff that happened, good and bad
some good stuff that happened was:
now irratating stuff that happened
fells like one of those days to browse at random junk
ugh not in the christmas spirit smth is wrong with me probably
idk if i should even be celebrating christmas considering that i believe in a void of nothingness (don't ask)
mah fren's go-to christmas playlist she recommended is this
maybe i'll listen to it
arggggggg chewing is so annoying and gross ughhhhhhhh
just realized i missed saying this, so
stay alive |-/
- fren
been watching vids like this one
ik i'm not that good
actually i'm bad. not horrible, just bad
you should hear me sing it's CRINGE
and i actually try
but it would still be kewl to start a band...
i really want to but i know nobody...
i'm so dramatic
stay alive |-/
- fren
nothing fun happening today
there's a loner in my grade i keep getting grouped with she seems nice (she's an introvert, doesn't talk a lot)
usually the loners in my grade are all friendless bcs they're annoying or nobody likes them or smth and all have a lunch group, but she's just not social
i should talk to her or smth but i'm an introvert too...
yeah maybe i'll try to get me and mah frens to adopt her or smth
i feel bad seeing her sit at the table with the REALLY weird group (my group is da weird group)
yeah idk i'll try bcs that used to be me :(
she reminds me of like Kkrgs_ i think the channel is called wait i found a vid
when i see that channel i wonder if it's genuine or not but still feel a little bad
also 4got to say rip bob bryar. 💖 may not have been a perfect person, but rip he did good things too and he was a great drummer
gg cry now accidentally g noted myself :((((((
edit: i just spent 40 minutes trying to fix an error and it was just ONE FREAKING CHARACTER ughhhhh
stay alive |-/
- fren
bang the doldrums is my fave song at the moment. listen to it
have dress rehearsal for dance my recital is tommorow. don't have stage fright i just hate the fact 90% of the class is better.
help :(
yeah also regretting all my life decisions but i don't wanna talk abt it
stay alive |-/
- fren
almost forgot pic of da week
frerard. yes.
(I only ship them in like the early 2000s btw.
it would be weird bcs they have wives and kids)