ahhh week 10 already??? that's insane
rlly tiring day
making my frens come up with some questions for me to answer my surveys page thing stay tuned
ordering electric guitar soon when i get it i'll have to put up pics
stay alive frens |-/

this is gonna sound rlly weird but just got done being depressed thinking of someone ik i'm never seeing again, i have no way of contacting or finding them
i wish i had closure tbh
it feels like i never really said goodbye
and fren, ik you'll never see this, but i miss you
oop now that song is dedicated to them
but yeah

(seperated this part bcs it got pretty. odd.)
people come and go in life, not everyone you know will be in your life
sometimes the person you feel closest to will leave
and you'll tell yourself it wasn't meant to be,
but you can never act like they never happened
sometimes you'll never really know this person
sometimes it'll last just a few months
and you just hope that they're okay and alive
and you wonder if they still think of you
and wonder if you'll ever find them again
or if they'll just be a memory
one that's hard to replace
and as much as you want to forget them and all the pain
especially hearing songs they loved, even if you grew out of the song, you still dedicate it to them
or remembering the joke you could only say to each other because nobody else understood
and wondering if maybe they're listening to it at that moment
maybe thinking about when you were there for each other
even if you didn't know them that well yet
you wonder what would have happened if you never knew them
you wonder what if they still knew you
if you could just still be in their life today
if you could get to really know them
know every single thing about them
if you could save them
even if they didn't really need saving
if you could just wish on enough stars
hoping you'll accidentally meet them in the most recycled way possible
imagining their face you barely knew
thinking of words never spoke
and realizing that maybe everything meant nothing
an learning that it's ok
which makes it way harder to feel better
and way easier to want to spend the rest of your life thinking about what is gone forever

sorry idrk what just happened
just pls hold on to ppl u care abt
get to really know them
bcs nothig lasts forever
but in the end, it's worth it
more then you'll ever know
stay alive |-/

didn't write yesterday.
cuz its my site and i do what i want
was feeling upset all day and im better now i think
sorry that was so cringe you can leave and never come back i would if this wasn't my site
also my dad said when he got home from work he saw flashing lights from my tv in my room...
and i was asleep and never had my tv on...
either there's a ghost or i turned on the tv in my sleep again...
the 1st one sounds cooler but ik it was just me being a weirdo again...
also adding more graphics i add them a lot
anyways tommorow holds such better days
stay alive |-/

terrible week
i'm not really ok
i'm doing so crappy on my grades and idek why
plus my stupid idiotic mind just cant get good grades so now i got my phone taken away
so now i can't listen to music which is even worse. thats my best way of coping
i feel like everything is just falling apart
and i'm not who i'm supposed to be
or who they want me to be
i kinda hate myself rn, but whatever
anyways you arent trapped, just remember life gets better
stay alive |-/