
back from break!

Happy New Year!!!

dang, it's 2025

its scary how fast years go by

I went to an NFL game with my family, and went out like twice to the mall and stuff

also got this shirt at hot topic i wore it to school with a new black denim jacket and skinny jeans, it looks kewl XD

oh yeah also got a phone but my parents can watch all the things i do on it, i'm pretty sure they know what i listen to now... or maybe they don't idk. idc at this point, just don't really know what to say

my fren straight up told her mom she's emo, idgaf abt ppl labeling me

i remeber mah mom saying i have to wear a some kind of color w/ black bcs i'll regret it someday

but yeah, gonna go update my random stuff page

stay alive frens |-/


yeah today was kinda depressing

ppl around me in algebra are toxic and telling their 2 frens to stop being frens with each other

also remember the quiet girl i felt bad 4. I talked about her like on 12/05 or smth?

yeah i saw her with this necklace!!! today. still too quiet to talk to her, it's a shame, i was like her and didn't really have frens at one point, then my bestie fixed me, maybe now i can fix this girl. wait this is starting to sound lke asotm...

also gonna be on an overnight school trip on the 8th through 10th so i may not upd8

well stay alive frens |-/

next week